Saturday 17 October 2015


Well my life has changed to make it blunt. I picked up my act and got my life together. I have a plan and my life feels structured. Instead of being at sixth form I plucked up the courage to say goodbye  to everyone there and go to college to study SCIENCE.

So! what's new? Well... I have met the love of my life. I adore her and she adores me. But that's not the way i'm supposed to write on this blog is it? I made this blog to geek out at every little thing in my life... so let the geeking commence!

There are tons of love stories in loads of games: Mario and Peach, Link and Zelda (depending on which game), Corvo and The Empress yeah there's tons. But me describing my relationship as one of the relationships above would mean that my relationship has already been done by somebody else. Well I could try and use those relationships as an example but why use characters in a game when you can use a whole game itself to describe a relationship.

Which game would I choose to describe my relationship?







YEAH... that game!

So pretty much everyone knows the concept of minecraft so I don't need to explain it.

So my life before this relationship was me looking for love, I looked for it. Everywhere. I hated the fact that I couldn't find it. I started to hate myself and it ended up with me spiraling into being obsessed with not being lonely and just hating every moment of existence.

How does this relate to minecraft?




So when you really want to get into different parts of the game you need diamonds, and most of the time when you mine solely looking for diamonds you never find them. Well in my experience anyway (strip mining took so much of my time up).

I would try anything to be in love, I tried apps such as meetme to find love. It only lead to more pain.
I would try anything to find diamonds, I tried methods such as strip mining. it only lead to more coal.

When you stop looking for diamonds though, somehow out of the darkness of the void diamonds appear in front of your face and you're just left there stunned, thinking "HOW!? WHY!?".

That's what I did with love, I accepted I was going to be alone. I stopped thinking about love and I planned my future. That's it.


I went to college.

Best. decision. ever.

All the signs were there! She was making it so obvious! At that moment when she liked me I needed redstone and couldn't find the diamonds. I thought I liked someone else.

but then...

I saw the diamonds in the darkness of the cave. I started looking through the photos on my phone and I noticed how happy I was with her. How happy she looked when she was with me. I saw something, and I felt something. My chest set itself on fire. I hadn't ever felt that feeling before. The photos on my phone were the spark... the flint and steal that lit the torch to see the diamonds.

We met in the park, she said something negative... I can't really remember what it was and I told her to shut up. She replied with "make me" and guess what I did?


but I did grab her hand and I did kiss her a bit later on.

I got the diamonds.

But minecraft isn't all about diamonds, it's about creation.

Getting to know my girlfriend is the creation, we create our relationship. We create our conversations. We create US.

Tomorrow it will be a month of being with her, and it's felt like barely a week. We have so much fun.

She loves me.

I love her.

I'm not going to be alone after all.


Cheers for reading

Sunday 24 May 2015


I'm gonna stop talking like I have a broom stuck up my arse on this blog... Just to get that out there.

I essentially haven't updated this in the past year at all (apart from emotional times(which i also deleted) but hey ho i needed to post that somewhere), and to be completely honest the reason i'm writing this right now is because i'm sick of learning about neutrophils, anti-bodies and pretty much anything else to do with the human body.

anyways, on with the update on the wonderful world of Dan Driver.

Luigi, Handsome Jack, Deus-ex and whatever other gaming shit I posted a while ago... I still play games and like them... but I love something else so much more now.


Okay I know it sounds boring but IT'S SO FUCKING COOL and IT'S SO FUCKING RANDOM.
My favorite animal is no longer a tiger, but a mantis shrimp... okay sounds crap i know BUT OH MY GOODNESS IT'S LIKE THE SATAN OF THE OCEAN.


Simplified, mantis shrimps can: punch with the same power as a 22 cal. rifle, see 9 more colours than humans and distinguish between certain types of light pretty easily. I can't actually be arsed to explain this to the extent i usually do so here's a link to a pretty funny comic about it... (that's if you care).

That is the sort of stuff i learn about on a daily basis... IT'S SOOO COOOOOOOOOOL


I have A level exams to learn shit for so i'll try and update this when i'm done with it all.



Wow... looking back at my old posts, i was really sad XD

Friday 25 July 2014

life sucks?

Well I have finished my first year of A-levels and there have been ups and downs but I have learned one pretty huge thing this year. There is one saying that annoys the hell out of me - "life sucks", no. Screw that. Screw you for saying that.

Okay so now to explain:

Super Mario Bros:

pretty much everyone knows the concept of Mario. Princess peach gets kidnapped, you go through the world just normally just taking things one day at a time.

But in life, there are sections that are pretty sad... some are extremely sad. This can get even worse throughout the day and even throughout the week. This could even ruin the month or the year. This is just because of one stupid moment that happens once.

The thing is, life isn't just crap all the time. Sure! it is full of pretty bad moments. But where we are in the world, we can't say life sucks unless you have something genuinely wrong with you, and I mean people who are physically and mentally ill.

Some moments absolutely make you feel amazing but usually they're temporary. Just like star power ^.^

I believe that there will be something amazing at some point, and it will stay with you forever. It will be the reward at the end. and you will love it, what it is... is up to you but this reward, is what makes life not suck.

Anyways, bye for now :)


Monday 23 June 2014

You know what's funny?

I love it when I hear people laugh, as long as it's a joyful laugh. I love it even more when I make people laugh, it makes me feel amazing inside, and it is really hard for me to not just celebrate in that moment.
What is extremely sad about my jokes is that the person who laughs at them most is me... yeah, I laugh at my own jokes... every single one. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And people moan at me for doing it. But the thing is my own jokes actually make me happy... even if most of them are terrible 'Dad' jokes. Just like it makes me happy making other people laugh, making myself laugh makes me happy with the laughter, which in turn makes me even more happier. But I mean who doesn't like terrible jokes every once in a while?

So when I'm on the subject of being happy, you should be happier... yes you. the reader. I don't care if you're happy, sad, angry, shy, gay, straight or Chinese. Everyone deserves it. So here come three crappy jokes

Three warriors from the past, present and future were having a fight to the death
it was a tense fight.

why are NASA so good at strategy games?
they planet.

what do you call a fast zombie?
a zoombie.

well I've made some people happy... temporarily... including myself. woo!

that's all for now

Friday 20 June 2014

zombie apocalypse, step 2

so it's been a while since i talked about


So prepare your pea shooters and defend with walnuts IT'S STEP TWO

STEP 2: shelter

once you're aware that zombies are about, you're going to need to think about where to stay.
so a place where zombies aren't would be best...

So the thing you need to consider when looking at shelter is:

1. Is it too big/small? (if it's too big then it requires more work to check around for zombies which is a risk of being bitten, if it's too small then you are at risk of easily being surrounded by zombies increasing the risk of being bitten)

2. Is there more than one entrance/exit? (Then you can escape easier!)

3. Can you block entrances/exits with the things inside your shelter? (this is when you should consider if the shelter has good storage facilities with a lot of big heavy stuff inside it)

4. Is it good for sleeping in?

So step two... rather simple, well all of this is when you think about it

anyways Bye for now


Wednesday 4 June 2014

feelings and the future

Lately I have been thinking... a lot.

It's about how people deal with feelings, how some people will just

Yet others will just keep it inside

Feelings can suck... but they can also be beautiful

I have some beautiful memories, I have some awful memories. But I try to keep the best ones closest to my heart to make myself feel good.

My best memory is when I went on holiday, I went on a cruise ship called the Thompson celebration. I went on holiday with my parents for a week and we cruised to different locations such as Italy and Greece and we saw some amazing things, we saw ancient ruins in Athens and they were overwhelmingly huge,we saw Pompeii next to the giant volcano that destroyed it. My best memory isn't during any of those amazing things that we saw. My best memory is on the cruise ship, I was walking around on my own at night on the ship. I was too afraid to go into the dark part of the front of it , I don't know why but I thought that the hunter from left4dead was going to jump out on me. (this was when I was 14 years old)
I stood there staring at the empty darkness ahead of me and I just wanted to go round to the other side, I didn't want to walk the quarter mile around the other side of the boat. So I walked into the darkness and my eyes only just adjusted to the dark, I was walking and feeling the balcony beside me and one by one I could see little sparkles appearing in the sky and I stood still for a second and leaned over the balcony. I looked up and the sky was full of stars. I can't actually explain how I felt when I saw them. I was overwhelmed. Just staring at the stars whilst being in the middle of the ocean. no light pollution, just stars. I could see a belt of stars leaning across the sky. I saw shooting stars. I was just standing... staring. It was the best feeling I have ever had. I showed my parents and I showed my newly made friend on the boat too. Every day on the boat I couldn't wait until night time to look at the beautiful twinkling stars again.
this is what the ship looks like

when I look at the future

I have a lot of friends right now, two extremely close friends. I look into the future and wonder of they'll still be there, I mean they'll have their own lives and all that but I wonder if they will still want to know me, not just my two closest friends but all of them.
Maybe I'll be in one of their best memories. Maybe they will have the odd thought about me. Maybe I won't be in their memories at all.
What if they just drift off gradually and forget. Leaving me to just be alone like Steve on Minecraft

People have different feelings in their own future

Some live happily smiling wherever they go, spreading joy everywhere they go.

Some live their life for others  making every effort to improve someone else's life

some will purposely cause as much havoc as they can for no reason to make others feel horrible instead of them

some people will just not care where they go

But in the end, being alone is the feeling that sucks the most

to be honest, I want to not care about where I go in the future and not worry about what other people think... anyways bye for now ;D


Tuesday 27 May 2014

how to treat people

Some things really annoy me. and one of those things is seeing someone who is close to me being shoved around like a piece of dirt. I've seen this in a couple of places such as in my close friendship group, my drama group, my work group, and my church youth group.

I'm going to sum this up in one sentence:


For the people who don't know what pikmin is, you play as captain olimar who has crash landed on a strange planet, this planet is inhabited by little lifeforms known as pikmin. Olimar uses these to find parts of his spaceship and to escape the planet... when doing this he kills hundreds of pikmin... using them to kill any threat.
some people are like this using other people to accomplish thier own personal goals without thinking about the consequences. 

In my church youth group we are extremely good friends! But in every friendship group there are always some personalities clashing with each other. I have no problem with people arguing, in fact it's one thing we love to do in our group! every single facebook conversation either ends up with us having an argument or constantly changing the name of the conversation to something so immature but extremely funny. But we forget about some people when we talk. We have people that we push aside and I hate that! Just imagine going out for a good friday night out and you get pushed aside being ignored for the whole night whilst people are literally dancing in your face ( always to dubstep), having fun without you despite being in the same room as you. The onky time we talk to them is to use their skills for our own personal needs (like pikmin). I guess it feels like when you are extremely powerful in the middle of Deus Ex: human revolution and you're enjoying how over powered you are but then everything get's taken away. leaving you feeling like you're rubbish. kinda makes you wanna

My Drama group is essentially the same thing, we have different personalities... some are extremely strong. But one person has had a bad run in the year, probably due to procrastination and laziness they didn't achieve their full potential. If it wasn't for other people telling me what I was doing I would probably have been a lot worse in the school term, but there is a fine line between encouraging someone with negativity and putting them down. Some people would NOT stop going on about what she was doing and frankly it pisses me off the way they treated this person, she is a person too and she has feelings like any other person! But upsetting people for one thing over and over again is just absolutely horrible. To be honest, I think that people are using her to get themselves higher in terms of the friendship group, that is the only reason I can think of that they would treat someone so bad, there is no excuse to essentially yoshi to the next platform. But to be honest this may motivate the person to do so much more with their life and make a change, so in a way, the way people have treated this person is good and bad.

to sum things up

people are not meant to be treated like crap, ignored, abused, or used in any way at all.

whoever the person is, they are a HUMAN being... there are exceptions of course such as if they have wronged you in any way or if they are like Adolf Hitler.

just watch who you treat like crap, they might turn out being a baddass in the end

just try to treat people like you want to be treated like, and if you're one of those people who is purposely a douchebag and just wants to make people miserable

i hope my post actually makes sense to you...

anyways bye for now
